The Ford Model T

The Ford Model T automobile represents a key milestone of manufacturing technology. First introduced in 1908, over 15 million Model Ts rolled off assembly lines all over the world before production ceased in 1927. Through available in many body styles, most Model T features remained largely unchanged during the course of production, thus limiting the necessity to change production lines and retrain workers.

The Ford Model T was designed with mass production in mind, with assembly worker skills reduced to 84 key areas. Through initially manufactured using hand crafting techniques common for the age, Model T production steadily increased with the introduction of assembly line techniques and automation. In 1910, production moved to a dedicated assembly line manufacturing facility. From 1908 to 1914, the time required to manufacture a Model T dropped from 12.5 hours to 93 minutes. In 1914, Ford Motor Company produced more automobiles than all other car manufacturing companies combined.

You can read more about the Ford Model T in the Wikipedia.

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